Small, but perfectly formed. Yamaha's baby boomer is the perfect antidote to the humdrum urban commute. Yamaha MT-03 launched, following the 2005 introduction of its (very) big brother: the Yamaha MT-01. The new, little bike is described by Yamaha as a “roadster motard”. It remained in production until 2013 but the lighting technology used in these bikes is more than 15 years old today.
The factory-fitted setup is a single halogen headlight with reflector manufactured by Stanley. Its output is poor even by halogen standards, and the light pattern leaves a lot to be desired.
Fortunately, there are upgrade kits that will fit inside your existing headlights, and these provide you with the full power of xenon on both low and high beam. We’re talking about a boost in light output of up to 300%, with perfect symmetry and cutoff across the light pattern!
These complete retrofit kits provide you with superior brightness and durability, and come with a 2-year warranty. What's more, with leveling systems that work with the headlight connectors, the halogen-to-xenon conversion is truly effortless.
You will improve the light output considerably, making for safer and more enjoyable riding. And, of course, your Yamaha MT03 - FZ03 will look awesome with the luxurious bright light of the latest xenon technology.